SATCD strongly strive in making ethical, transparent and well,
intentioned decisions with the donors,
government and the vulnerable communities we work with.
We strongly resist all forms of exploitations and injustices
whenever they might be found with a goal to transform relationships,
societies and adversaries through non-violent direct action so that
individuals are not oppressed or exploited.
We believe in building resilience and sustainability
to all people we serve regardless of their race ,religion, gender
or social positions in the society.
We believe in increased trust between our employs,
the community we serve, the government and all other partners
through interactive and constructive interactions that seek
to strengthen our norms and expectations through a more
responsive and high quality service delivery that benefits
marginalized groups in the society.
We embrace the spirit of working together as it
indicates innovativeness, depth of experience and increased
quality of service delivery between the government the
community and other non-governmental partners who seek to
uplift and improve lives in different societal setups.
We appreciate/respect all beings a accomplishments,
aspirations, beliefs, feelings, opinions and emotional
states through or social protection policies that seek
to protect the weak and ensure their dignity is upheld.
We are motivated by our willpower, goals and aspirations,
attitudes, completeness of information, knowledge and the
skills we have to bringing social change to victims and
survivors of hazards by improving their lives.
We appreciate all great systems of ethics and virtues,
which teach the acceptance of the set of core values that
promote huge standards of morality and acknowledge the
importance of seeking spirituality in all of our endeavors.
We understand thoughts, feelings and emotional states
of persons in the community, in the best interest of
establishing truly enhanced relationships and performance.